

Croquet is a game that requires strategy, precision, and a friendly competitive spirit. Enjoy the game with your friends and family, and have fun refining your skills as you play!

Dimensions: 90cm x 75cm x 45cm

Game includes:

  • Wooden Croquet stand x1
  • Coloured balls x6 (green, yellow, orange, purple, blue and red)
  • Coloured Croquet mallets x6 (green, yellow, orange, purple, blue and red)
  • Metal hooks x9
  • Start/End sticks x2
  • Mallet x1

Minimum transport requirement: Large car.

Setup: Find a suitable area for playing croquet, preferably a flat lawn or grassy surface. Set up the playing field by placing the stakes at opposite ends of the field, forming the boundaries. Place the wickets (hoops) evenly throughout the playing field. Traditionally, there are six wickets in croquet, but you can adjust the number based on your preference. Position them in a specific order following the course layout, usually in a figure-eight or diamond pattern.

How to Play:
1. Assign each player or team a specific colour ball. You can have two to six players or teams in a game. Decide on the playing order, which can be determined by a simple coin toss or any other fair method. The order of play will determine the sequence in which players attempt to pass through the wickets and strike other balls.

2. The first player places their ball anywhere within a designated area near stake one. They then use their mallet to strike their ball, aiming to pass through the first wicket. If successful, they continue their turn, aiming to strike other balls, pass through the remaining wickets in order, and ultimately hit the stake at the end of the course. Players take turns in a set order until one player completes the course.

3. Each player must navigate their ball through the course in a specific order, striving to pass through the wickets in the correct direction. Players can also use their ball to strike other balls, strategically positioning them to make it more challenging for opponents to progress. The objective is to complete the course by passing through all the wickets and finally striking the stake.

4. The game concludes when one player successfully completes the course by hitting the final stake after passing through all the wickets. That player is then declared the winner. You can play a single game or play multiple rounds to determine an overall winner.

Challenge: Roquet Challenge. In this advanced game, players gain extra shots, called Roquets, by striking other balls. With each Roquet, players can strategically position their ball to hinder opponents or set up advantageous shots. Planning strategic plays and defensive moves becomes crucial as you navigate the course, aiming to be the first to pass through all the wickets and hit the stake. Adapt your strategy, stay flexible, and outwit your opponents to conquer the Roquet Challenge. Are you ready for this thrilling twist on croquet?

Safety Notes: While croquet is generally considered a safe and low-impact game, there are a few potential safety risks to be aware of. Firstly, players should take precautions to avoid being struck by the mallet or balls, as accidental hits can cause injuries. It is essential to maintain a safe distance from other players during swings and to be mindful of your surroundings. Secondly, the playing area should be free from any obstacles or hazards that could cause slips, trips, or falls. Ensuring a level and well-maintained playing surface is crucial.